Husband's family

My husband's family is driving me nuts. We lost our little girl Oct 21 at 28 weeks. She was a stillborn, and had Bladder Outlet Obstruction. We found out Aug 18 at my first ultrasound. I'd had three fetal bladder stents inserted (none worked) and we'd been going once a week to have her bladder drained. 
We knew from the get go there was a very slim possibility she'd pull through. We've always kept his family up to date about everything, but now that she has passed they are blaming the doctors and his aunt is attempting to blame me as well. She said it could have been because I was slim and worked out a lot before I fell pregnant. I've always been considered very healthy physically by doctors and immediately quit working out once I found out I was pregnant. If anything I was OVERLY paranoid about everything. 
It just really hurts and I broke down crying when I heard what she said. I love my little girl more than anything and endured very painful procedures for her. I pushed in labor and delivery for over an hour. I took my prenatals religiously. I just want to slap her. The doctors have even said they don't know what causes this disorder--there's only a 1 in 5,000 chance it will happen.