idk how to title this

So I had a doctors appointment today. I'm 30 weeks. Got my results from my 3 hour glucose and it's abnormal so now I have to test my sugar and log it etc. so for this I wanna know why we arnt tested sooner? I have had it before. And I think I've had issues my entire pregnancy with my sugar. But just now doing something about it. ? 
 So also, I have a marginal placenta previa. And he said he would probably go ahead and take the baby in 7 weeks. So I'll be 37 weeks. 
Which that excited me because I'll see him sooner. And he will be here for Christmas. 
But I'm also nervous that he will be to early? 
Or is 37 weeks still good? 
And I'm also frustrated because I will be going to the doc every single week from hear on out due to my GD and i feel like with only 7 more weeks to go will it make a difference in my or my baby's health ? I'm just confused on why they wouldn't test sooner because my sugars have been all kinds of wacked out the entire time. 
Idk I just think it's almost pointless now to go through all of this crap testing and meds and appointments. When in less then two months he will be here