Blood pressure medications?

I had a terrible time w my high blood pressure during my first pregnancy which led to severe preeclampsia and resulted in my daughter being born at 27 weeks and passing away at 5 days. I have worked hard since to get my BP under control w the help of my cardiologist. It was doing great in August. Early September I became pregnant and my BP has gone crazy again. I have doubled the dosage of medication and it seems to be even higher. Today at my OB appt it was 170/116. My OB added a new medication, Procardia 60mg. So now I'm taking Procardia 60 once a day, and Labetalol 400 twice a day. I feel so desparate to get my blood pressure under control. I don't want to have a repeat of my last pregnancy and losing the baby. Has anyone else been through this?? What combination of meds and dosages worked for you?? Thanks so much. I'm so stressed from worrying about this.