experienced moms- wanted

Okay so I'm 32weeks and I'm due December 18 FTM here.
I'm currently trying to understand whether or not it makes sense to add the baby to the policy for the first two or 3 weeks that he's here or if I should wait and just make him effective as of the 1st of the year. Reason being, in order for him to be active he's subjected the adjusted premium of 250 + 1,000 deductible.
Sometimes out of pocket with no insurance is cheaper. 
I tried to call billing at the hospital just to gauge what an average regular vagina, birth costs and they weren't really any help. I live in a small town so the people out here are not up to par with what I'm used to in bigger cities as far as answering questions. BUT I did talk to insurance before I called the hospital and they said once the baby is born its its own person and its on their own and subjected to deductible. The hospital lady told me the baby is billed and subjected to moms deductible. And I think she may be wrong?? And maybe I didn't understand what she was saying. 
Anyways I'm with United Health Care One and I just wanted to know of on average how much your baby bills have previously cost in the first two - three weeks while the child was born.
Trying to plan a head and budget s bit. But I can't seem to get a ball park to budget.
The only thing the lady did tell me is that a cash vaginak birth with two days stay was 2200 and c section cash was 3500.
Any help, guidance, or possible departments to check with is extremely helpful!!