pregnancy and the emotional toll on relationship

This probably should be in the relationships column but it's more for pregnant women so I'm posting it here. My emotions have been all over the place. I cry at basically nothing. I'm only 7wks but i can feel when I'm being short and emotional with my husband. My husband is going through a really stressful course right now at work so that added stress with my emotional roller coaster I feel like there's been some distance created between us. I'm sure if I asked him he would say no but I can't keep getting upset over little things then believe just telling him I'm sorry will make it better because it doesn't but at the same time I can't help it. Has anybody else been an emotional wreck and its taken a toll on them or felt like it created distance and if so did it end after pregnancy? Did things get better? It also doesn't help that someone's living with us and we've basically had someone living with us since we got married a year and a half ago. Any advice?