November Baby turned October Baby

Shayna 💙👩‍👦‍👦 • The mama of all things Boy Stephen M. Andrews IV (4) & Sirgeo M. Andrews (2) #BoyMom 👦🏽👶🏽 Instagram&TikTok: ShaynaBFamily
Happy Mom & Dad Healthy Snuggly Baby Boy Stephen Mitchell Andrews IV (4th) Born 10/26/16 5:00am sharp!! 6.17lbs 18inches 💙👑🙏 I dilated to 8 at home didn't even know it well of course I was in pain but I seriously think all the walking I did definently helped immensely with labor I got an epidural my midwife broke my water then I pushed for and hour then they gave me pitocin to make my contractions stronger we took a break for an hour I pushed for one more hour and then our son arrived 👌 12 days early but according to God RIGHT ON TIME 😇