two days in labor (I wish I was kidding)

On August 20th I went to my best friends wedding reception. The whole time I was having contractions but was ignoring them due to the fact that I was just at the hospital for contractions and they sent me home. After a few hours I couldn't stand the pain anymore so I decided to leave. As I was walking out the door I felt like I peed my pants. Again thought nothing of it cause I was having a lot of discharge. I got home and my boyfriend (of five years) urged me to go in. Once I got to the hospital they said my water broke and my contractions were three minutes apart. The first day went by and I made little progress. In the middle of the night I asked for an epidural, not for the pain but because they were assuming I may need a c section and I would need an epidural and I did not want them to rush one in. They put in the epidural and it felt like lightning was shooting down my leg. They had to take it out. Come to find out they poked a hole in my spine. The next day the contractions were so strong and so close together that I had to be put on oxygen cause I couldn't catch my breathe. I was told my son had a BM and I panicked and demanded a c section to get him out. They refused and said they would have NICU waiting. Finally at 10pm I fell asleep along with my boyfriend. I woke up to them checking to see how far I was dialated. Without being fully awake they told me I had to push. My boyfriend was still sleeping at the end of the bed. I screamed for him to wake up. He woke up and ran to help. After 24 minutes of pushing my son was born. Being in labor for two hours was miserable but worth it. I was only in pain the whole two days for 1 hour. Besides the 1 hour the whole experience was relaxing and bonding time with family. I was proud I had my son without an epidural. Yes I attempted to get one which was the worst idea. Because they messed up the epidural (and took it right back out anyways) I had the epidural headache for two weeks!! 
While I was pregnant I had so many negative comments...
-you will for sure need the epidural
- you will never be able to push out that baby 
- your baby is going to be tiny because you are so you will probably have a 5 pound baby 
- you are going to scream the whole time 
After two days in labor with no crying in pain or screaming and laughing with everyone the whole time and pushing out my son with no pain meds who was 8 pounds 7.5 ounces. I gained respect