My missed miscarriage and Cytotec

{Long post} I want to share my story as so many others have on here. Other womens' stories have helped me get through a lot these past few days so maybe reading my story can help someone else to feel less alone in their own situation. 
Don't really know where to start with this. We lost our baby at 11 weeks although baby had stopped growing around 7. We'd seen the heartbeat at around 7 weeks which made the news even harder to take. We had so many plans for this baby (our 1st) and had really become parents in the few weeks of pregnancy we had.
Found out on the Tuesday and started bleeding Wednesday. Almost as if my body was waiting for my head to understand what had happened, before starting the mc process. Bleeding went on for 3 days but no clots or bits. 
Started feeling weak and run down on Friday and so went back to see doc. He sent us to hospital, where we waited in the waiting area for 3 hours, me in a state. Eventually got an ultrasound confirming nothing had moved, and they needed to get the baby evacuated ASAP to prevent problems.
Fast forward another hour (6.30pm) and I'm lying in a hospital bed having taken 2 Cytotec orally, writhing in pain but still nothing. 3 hours in and the blood is coming out thick and fast, literally I felt pressure in my pelvis, horrible pain in my abdomen and lower back, pushed and this hot, thick blood just came gushing out. Tmi but I also had serious diarrhea as a side effect of the drug. Midwife seemed slightly concerned at the amount of blood but said it should slow soon.
It didn't. She explained that a second dose could stop the bleeding if everything was out (which we couldn't be sure of). I nearly cried, told her I would die if I took anymore as I was feeling so weak, dizzy and defeated. She didn't insist but told me we might have to go down the d&c road if I didn't. So I ended up accepting. 2nd dose taken at 00.30am.
At 3am after bleeding heavily for another 2.5 hours with clots the size of golf balls, I passed out in the bathroom after passing a ridiculous amount of blood and what I can only imagine was the placenta. 2 nurses came to help my hubby carry me back to my bed, my blood pressure had dropped severely and they all suddenly seemed anxious. I started shaking uncontrollably and couldn't calm down. They put me on a drip to try to raise my bp, which worked after about an hour of shaking and crying and telling my husband I felt like I was dying.
After that, I bled once or twice more and everything calmed down. The pain slowly disappeared and the bleeding calmed right down to a normal period rate. By 7am I was feeling so much better, and was able to sleep for a couple of hours at last.
Here I am 24 hours later back at home and honestly wondering how the hell I managed to make it through what I can only describe as a horrific nightmare of a night. 
Every woman is different, and I won't lie, I thought I'd be strong and just 'get on with it' but nothing could have prepared me for what would happen once I'd taken those pills. Cytotec helped me to expulse my baby so we can finally move on, but it came with a horror that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
My best wishes to all the girls going through this, I hope you have a great support system as I do to help you through this ❤️