Does your significant other help out?

Elizabeth 🌙
Let me start off when Connor was born. My husband done an amazing job taking care of him while I was still healing in the hospital. I never had to ask him to do anything other than bring Connor to me. I was amazed! But now Connor is going on 4 months and it's like my husband wants nothing to do with him or me? Should I be worried? For example: I take care of our son 24/7, while my husband works. When he gets off work in the day, shouldn't I get a break too? Mommies deserve breaks as well in my opinion. Another example: I always get up for the nightly feedings, if any. And as soon as Connor starts to get cranky he automatically hands him off to me and just plays on his phone or Xbox. I'm honestly really hurt and upset that he doesn't really want to help out. Any advice?
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You need to talk to him about this. So, give him some space when he comes home to unwind for like, an hour and then ask him if he can give you a break.Yes, you more than deserve a break. No one works 24hrs and that's essentially what you're doing. SAHM's do what's considered "domestic labor", it doesn't come with a paycheck, but it's still labor, meaning you deserve and need a break.


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I can't say how my current hubby will be.. he claims that when he gets home he is on baby duty until midnight when he usually goes to bed. We are expecting twins and I will be a stay at home mom and definitely have all night time duties. So I realllllyyyy hope this is true.. it would allow me to get a few hours of straight uninterrupted sleep. However my ex husband was extremely unhelpful when I had my daughter. A couple times I ended up locking myself in another room at night so I could get a full night of sleep and forcing him to take care of her. I was working full time to his part time and the main money maker. He SHOULD have been stepping up to the plate. My current hubby is a million times better and more caring and attentive than my ex ever was.. so hopefully he will do everything he claims.


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My Husband Is the SAME way but because I don't say anything to him. I mean he works from 8-7 So I Just Let Him Eat Take A Shower And Rest When He Gets Here. He's usually knocked out by 10 so it's pointless.


Elizabeth 🌙 • Oct 30, 2016
Exactly. I'm so tired of wasting my breath sometimes.


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My husband gets attitude when I ask him to do things but I tell him he has to do it and he will.  


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My husband works 12-14 hrs a day and has with our two previous children as well as this pregnancy. When he comes home he is normally sleep walking. He normally comes in eats, showers and relaxes and some days spends an HR with our boys sometimes just goes to bed. He never helped with the night feedings but I was ok with that. On the other hand he had two weekends off a month 3 if things go great and that's when he steps up and gives me a break. We normally either have a family day or he will take the kids and spend the day with them. You just need to talk to him and figure out what works best for your family. Also when our boys were little he didn't do much with them he said he was always uncomfortable and wasn't really sure what to do or how to handle them. Once they got a little older, now when he walks in the door I ha e to remind them to let dad relax a minute because they are unseperable. 


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My husband is the same way 😞