Csection/ VBAC now aiming for a home birth any advice?

Carrisma • You can be anything in this world , I chose to be a mother
Hello ladies Im attempting a home birth this Is my 3rd pregnancy not including my losses , my first child was a Csection due to me not being able to dilate fast enough for the hospital , and my second was a VBAC, however I had to be induced and was stricken to the bed, so I had no choice but to get the epidural becuase I could not move and try different positions to ease my pain. 
This time around I am hoping I can successfully complete a home birth or a unassisted birth becuase this will be my last baby, my body doesn't go into labor naturally (that's what I was told, that's why I always have to get induced) 
Any advice for this mom? Anyone had a Csection then VBAC and now attempting a home birth? Did you succeed?