someone please help me (newborn)

I have a three week old he was born at 35 weeks and they let me take him home a week later even after he had problems because he pooped inside of me and I had a fever. But besides all that he has been having problems with throwing up a lot it comes out of his nose and mouth and it's a lot not your normal spit up and sometimes he will stop breathing and choke and it honestly scares the shit out of me so I have made appointments to have it checked out all they do is feel his stomach and give me new formula (even though I breast feed) so they have me using the formula as a supplement to also help him gain weight but every time I make an appointment they just throw me some new formula and touch his stomach  and now he is constipated and throwing up horribly and they won't help and you can't go to the ER and just get help because they call the doctor and have them come in and she will just keep repeating can anyone give me any kind of advice? Anyone else deal with this any solutions maybe I'm feeding him to much he was taking two oz now he takes four I burp him in between oz someone please help I woke up out of a dead sleep to him choking on throw up