I need someone I can relate to

Kalia • MMC June 2016 at 8 weeks. Rainbow baby born November 18, 2017 🌈 Baby #3 born July 1, 2018 💚
I need someone I can talk to daily about the joys and frustrations TTC brings to each and every one of us!
June 2nd I found out through ultrasound that my dream to be a mom was coming true! June 30th I found out that dream was being ripped away when the ultrasound showed no heartbeat. July 14th I had my d&c. I started trying to get pregnant again late August and so far no luck. During the miscarriage I found that I have PCOS. On top of that I have a thyroid issue that has been controlled since early 2013. I know someone can't relate to every detail I just need someone that can to a degree. 
To all the moms that have angel babies I know your pain and I'm so sorry 💔