moving on

I'm 18, almost 19 and in my first relationship. The guy that I'm with currently is only the second guy I have ever kissed and the only person I have ever really experienced anything intimate with. I love him to pieces and our relationship is great. Except for recently, he told me about his past relationship that lasted a little over a year. He lost his virginity to this girl and had obviously, at one point, loved her. She texted him this year saying she had feelings for him still but he rejected her. Anyway, the main issue is that I'm having a really hard time processing all of this. I've never been in love before and while it's great, I can't stop thinking about how he loved and slept with another girl. I know it's in the past and that he cares about me exclusively now but I just can't shake this hurt that comes from this. I don't feel as special knowing that he had given all of himself to someone else. It sounds terrible I know but I just can't move on from this. Any advice?