My 37 week baby girl induced on the 30th/31st

I went in on Sunday evening to get things rolling.... we started with gels to help get my cervix ready.  At 4:30 pitocin was started and I was dialated to 2-2.5 cm.... at 10:30-1100am I was checked again and they broke my water and put in some internal monitors.  At 2:30 another check done and was close to 3 cm and 80% effaced.  When they checked at 4:30 I was the same.  The dr came in and gave the options as he saw them... wait till 6:30 and see progress I had made but that if there was little to no progress I would be having a c section.... 6:30 came and there was almost a cm change in dialiaton and none in the effacement .  My nurse was awesome and pretty much laid out what she thought the dr would do.  Sure enough c section it was... and they quickly prepared me and away we went... getting the spinal was by far the worst but didn't take long for her to make her grand entrance ..... meet Alexandra Jo born 8:04 pm, 7lbs 3.3oz, 19.5 inches long. She latched on and started nursing right away.