How my December baby turn it a Halloween baby

On Wednesday at my prenatal visit monitors picked up 4 contractions in like 20 minutes. Doctor assumed I was dehydrated(I also had cold ) but wasn't too worried about. She did tell me if it continues to head to L and D. Thursday I left work half way through the day. I was having so many BH despite drinking a lot of water. I went in to LD. They gave me terbutaline to calm things down. They also did a cervical check. My cervix was closed but very low and thin. I am released a few hours later. I have a doctor note not to work Friday and told to take it easy over the next few days. Start feeling better Friday and Saturday . Sunday I had bad diarrhea out of no where. Thought maybe it was something I ate. It went away half through the day. I felt pretty good even started to clean the house. I when to sleep around midnight. I woke at 1 to use the bathroom as soon as a sat up I felt a gush. This whole pregnancy I haven't had any accidents so I was pretty sure I didn't pee myself. This was confirmed as I continue to leak fluid. I woke up my boyfriend told him my water broke. It was go time. I was not in any pain but my boyfriend still drove like a bat out of hell. We get to the hospital. My plan was to go natural. They say that may not be possible if my BP goes up. They check me. I am 1 cm and paper thin they say. Apparently I am having back to back contractions but I am not really feeling them. About hour in I started feeling them every 3 minutes. I breathe through them. Things get intense about 5 hours. So intense I throw up 4 times and my BP starts to get high. I cave in and agree to stadol. BP goes down and makes contraction more bearable. Around 850 stadol is wearing off. I start begging for the epidual. They check me and I am 9cm. They say the worst is over and I can do this without the epidual. I feel pressure and a need to push. I only pushed for 13 minutes. I really really wanted her out. Riley Lena Bedford born 5 pounds 1.8 oz at 916 on Halloween. Her due date was Dec3. Other than blood sugar and temperature issue she otherwise healthy. She might leave with me tomorrow.