I was in bed talking to me husband when a little fluid I leaked after I coughed

I was in bed talking to me husband when a little fluid I leaked after I coughed. I thought I peed myself so I grabbed a towel near my bed to wipe myself as I walked to the bathroom. On the towel I noticed my mucus plug. Two more steps to the bathroom and I started leaking fluid. At that point I  knew my water broke. At this time it's about 1:00 am and it's 10/31/16 (happy Halloween to me).  I made it to the hospital by 1:45 I only live 15 mins away but took my time because this is my second birth (my first daughter passed at 4 months) and I know these things take forever. Once I got there I had horrible contractions ones that was unbearable. Nothing like my first pregnancy I mean I was dying. I regusted a epidural and it did work. They took it out and put in another one. That one worked. I was still very uncomfortable but things were bearable. At around 10:50am I started to push and 10 mins later my baby girl was here. The cord was wrapped around her neck and that had the whole room quite. I had I great midwife who handled things quickly and effectively. I had a healthy 7 pound 3 oz 21in baby girl who was born on Halloween morning at 11:04 am. My husband and I are so excited and blessed to introduce to you Sloane Kensley Scott!