regret that I told a friend!!

This is something I just need to type up and get off my chest. As my late recent pregnancy progressed along I found myself telling a friend of mine I was pregnant to be sensitive to her situation. She was knowingly TTC for about 8 months( in which I've been nothing but supportive to her, beyond supportive) and we weren't trying but not preventing. So I told her so she wouldn't hear from other people later or think that I was sneaking TTC without mention we weren't trying! Anyway we lost the baby at 10 weeks, baby stopped growing @7wks. Do you know she hasn't checked on me once!!!? No how am I feeling, how am I doing?? She did text me once asking if I was at work cause she needed me to fax something for her. But no mention as to how I was healing from the d&c or doing emotionally! Not that I want sympathy but I was brave to share with her I was expecting more so for her feelings sake. Just expected a friend to at least check on me. It makes me feel she's happy I lost the baby.. Maybe not the case but that's how I feel!  Lessons have been learned here. I won't care about anyone else's feelings going forward because now my husband and I are going to actively TTC after our loss we both want a baby more than ever! And I'm not apologizing for that nor will I tell a soul we're  expecting until we're ready! 
***edit*** I have not heard from her since the day I told her the baby stopped growing and I had to have a d&c in two days. She texted me the the next day and asked me if I was at work to fax something for her. I don't want to talk about it or have it brought up often either. But most folks will say hope you're doing well. Something