AF due November 11!

My name is Stephanie. This is my first cycle TTC #1! I'm 24 and my beautiful wife audie is 21. I've been taking my prenatals for about a month now and I'm starting to eat a little healthier. 
I believe I ovulated the 28th of October and BD on the 27th. We used a known donor and a soft cup. 
I'm currently 8 dpo and I feel like my body is definitely different. I've been cramping; it seems to switch daily from one side to the next. About 4/5 dpo at night I experienced a short spell of cramping followed by nausea that lasted a couple hours. That same night I had hot flashes and was bloated. Seems I'm bloated every night following that night. 6dpo I was very cranky and emotional and had cramping also, cramping and tender breasts were my biggest symptoms yesterday and audie said my boobs felt bigger. I hope this is our month but I'm expecting it to take a few months. My next period is due November 11th And I plan to start testing on the 7th. I'm sharing a photo of my bbt chart as well. Cycle buddies?! ✨✨✨✨