Trying to conceive and plan a second baby.

Hello everyone. I need help. Me and my husband finally feel ready to plan our second baby. First one was accident but learned a lot through the whole pregnancy and parenthood. He is now 4 and we don't want to wait any longer to give him a sibling. My stomach actually hurts just thinking of pregnancy as I did not enjoy a bit of my last one. Anyway long story short. We started last month but wa skit so serious. However we did have unprotected intercourse couple times but we didn't go according to claneder or anything and ended up getting my period. I always thought I would get pregnant so quick and this surprised me and kind of stressed me out. Now second month into our try I want to do everything right as possible as I want a summer baby. If I don't get preggo this month I'll end up with September baby which I don't want. I just finished my period on oct 27 and today is 6th day. Please advise as much possible on what to do and how to do it right. We had sex 3 times this week. But I'm guessing since it's right after my period it won't work. My fertile window according to calendar is nov 3rd to 10th. Does having sex during this time really work?