My precious baby boy has arrived! ❤️️😍

I had a scheduled induction for Friday October 28, but was called and informed that my induction would have to be pushed back. Major disappointment and an emotionally rough place to be in. I drop off my kids at school, and go home for a bath, shower, and nap because of extreme pain and fatigue. End up going to L&D anyhow since the pain was bringing me to my knees and tears to my eyes. Nothing was going on, no cause for pain found and went home contracting the whole time, 5-6 minutes apart. They told me come back at 7 am for the induction. No progress on contractions all night so I get up early, check in to L&D and get things going. Because of my contractions night before my cervix was favorable for Pitocin only, and we got the party started 😊 I went in at 2 cm that morning @ 7, Pitocin started at 9. Doctor ruptured my fluids around 12 @ 4 cm, by 12:30, being brave and going pain med free wasn't working so we called the anesthesiologist. Epidural placed amidst worst contractions. They check after, I was at 8cm. The dang epidural never took and at 2:04pm my beautiful baby boy made his way into the world weighing 9 lbs, 8.7 ounces, 21" long, and after only 10 minutes of pushing. 
I did this all in a day. Granted, he's my third baby, and I'd likely have gone on my own within a day or two, but both my wonderful nurse and incredible doctor were surprised at how quickly my induction went, and at how big my baby was. I'm shocked that I (inadvertently) got to stick to my birth plan and do it drug free (epidural never even kicked it, even after the fact). Though I admittedly would likely never try again if I'd planned to have more after this handsome boy.