college closes abruptly ! I'm lost and shocked!

Yesterday the college I attended got shut down permanently.

There was no warning, it was so abrupt no one knew , not even the faculty members.

I’m beside myself right now, trying not to cry anymore because this is just a bump in the road in my journey to becoming a Vet Tech but it honestly hurts because I had only 14 weeks left.

I was supposed to graduate , get in engaged to my lovely boyfriend ,move out , get the job of my dreams , and get married and get my first dog. (I’ve never had a dog before .)

It's been difficult to find a college in my state that I can transfer my credits to and it's been hard enough to find a school with even a similar program.

My dreams have been shattered all because my school couldn’t find the funds to continue to run the school. 

This is the second college I’ve attended and I’m having to leave because something crappy happened. I left the first college because I wasn’t doing so well and the school had nothing to offer me that could guide me to a career working with animals. I’m trying to fight my depression and anxiety but it’s hard. 


If anyone has some words of comfort , please feel free to send them my way.