Pregnant in last semester of college😃😞

Has both it's ups and down. Best is I graduate in December, have a supportive bf and family, our own place, last semester is a light load, and of course a healthy baby girl on the way currently 37w1d.

Downs: I couldn't enjoy last semester college like planned go study abroad, and spring break but don't mind because I can do this stuff afterwards. But as I already knew some point it would happen, of my small group of friends in college only two, really one -has always been there.

My two best friends I have at home I understand are busy but lately no body calls or texts to check on me when I need them most, my parents and siblings barely call anymore and it makes it feel some type of way more when normally I don't care.

I just feel alone when my bf isn't here. Just make me sad lately, idk if I'm being sensitive or its the pregnancy. I go to class and come home. I don't mind this but I'm alone most of the time which don't really bother me but it does now. Anyway just ranting..😞ðŸ˜