update! he doesn't want me to keep his baby

My boyfriend of 10 years told me he doesn't want me to keep our baby I turn 10 weeks today and he thinks his life will be ruined if he has another child and yes he has a son from a previous relationship but doesn't want me to have this child and I don't know what to do... this baby was not planned I get that and he said maybe in a couple of years he'll be ready to have another child but not now. The thing is I'm 29 years old and he's 32 and it may not be the perfect time to have a child and some of his reasons for that are sound but can I really do something I'll regret for the rest of my life? I don't know what to do I'm numb right now 😭😢
So I am now 5 months pregnant and told my boyfriend that I am keeping our child he's not happy barely speaking to me and I don't care as long as my child is heathy and happy I'm happy. I told if he's asking to choose between him or our baby I choose our baby weather he mans up and stick around or not is of no consequence to me I only have my child to think of I'm going to be a great mom weather he likes it or not and no grown man should be acting like this I'm done for sure! See him in court I guess 💁🏽