Late period accompanied by left ovary pain

Hey ladies! I've been using glow for over a year now but have never posed or asked anything on here this month is alittle different though. At the half way point between ovulation and my period I noticed some light blood on some tp one time then the day after my period was due (10/1/16) I started to feel a cramp almost a sharp pain on the lower left side of my abdomen maybe my ovary? I am now 3 days late I took a pt this morning but it came back negative should I try again in a few days if I still don't get my af or should I go ahead and see an obgyn because of the pain? Me and my bf have been trying for a few months but I am beginning to worry that I can't have children because I had severe side effects from 4 different forms of birth control I took a few year ago 2 of which I needed surgery for, I also am scared that it could be a cyst that has ruptured. Any advice or input would be helpful and much appreciated.