I'm In The Middle Of A Panic Attack..At School.

Please help me. I can't stop shaking and I can't stop crying. I'm in the bathroom at the moment. Trying to settle myself down. 
I am so scared I'm pregnant. 
I have been spotting for like 2ish days. Today I expected itd get heavier and my period is still barely if not even here. It was dark red blood. So I figured it would get heavier because today my period is supposed to be here. I have never had vaginal sex. But my boyfriend and I have screwed around before. Grinding nude and genital rubbing, and anal. But this last month he never ahaculated in my anus or near my vagina. But I am so scared of the thought of precum. While I was ovulating we we're screwing around and I'm afraid he had precum on his fingers and then fingered me. During my last period on about the 3rd day we had anal but he pulled out and ejaculated no where near me. But still, what if he had precum on his penis and then rubbed it on my vagina? Same type of scenario happened on the 29th, about a week before my period was supposed to come. I try my hardest to be careful and follow FAM even though I don't even have sex. But of course here I am freaking out before my period isn't here. I am still spotting. Sometimes it's pink sometimes it's red. I don't know anymore. I am so scared. Help.