Vent!! Anyone's husband/bf pissing them off to no end?!?!?! 😠

I just need to let this out to people who don't know him lol. But everything is pissing me off!!! I know it's probably hormones, but omg. He is being so damn lazy with everything. I'm supposed to be moving in so he has to clean out the room he hasn't even touched it. He sits and watches YouTube for hours. I'm the only one working right now, and he hasn't even been looking for a job and just stays lazy or wants to go fishing. I'm in constant pain because of preexisting arthritis and bulged discs in my low back so the pregnancy is making it so much worse than I could have imagined and I tell him that and he just blows it off and complains about his back. He has similar situation with his back, except for the fact he isn't PREGNANT. And he can actually take something for the pain and I cant. I'm just so frustrated because I feel like I am still having to do everything. While he gets to be lazy and watch fucking YouTube all damn day.