Polycystic ovarian syndrome and pregnancy.

I was diagnosed last Febuary with PCOS after i had missed 6 periods. I was told after the diagnosis that I would have a hard time conceiving in the future and might possibly need medical help to do so, it was either that or I wouldn't be able to have babies. They stuck me on the pill. 3 months of being on the pill and I just felt slightly off. It's hard to go by periods for me as they are so irregular. I took 5 tests and they all came back positive. When my bf got home from work I was freaking out because I thought their had to be another reason for them to came back positive. About a week later I ended up in the ER. ( I have chronic kidney stones) and they did an ultrasound and sure enough there he was with his little heartbeat and we found out I was almost 7 weeks at that point. He is due on Feb. 6 2017 :) Has anyone else had miracle like this happen?