Rant about fiance bragging about his ex..😒😡

Carina • 25 years young. baby #1 born April 11th 2017❤️
He said was going to get a massage today since im not good at it, so laughed and jokingly said ok but make sure it's a guy!😉 Then he says "you're so fucking insecure. I never had a problem with my ex about this kinda stuff, you know why? Because she was hot as hell and she knew she could get any guy she wanted!!" EXCUSEEEEE ME?!?! I don't think he knows who he's talking to! I'm the girl who didn't want to be in a relationship with him because I liked going out and being able to do what I want because I also thought that way. You know what's different about her and I? She could've went out and talked to a bunch of men behind his stupid back because SHE WASNT PREGNANT!! I'm over that stage in my life now because I'm ready to be a mom. She broke up with him for his best friend.. Who's gonna brag about their ex gf and how hot she is to me? Lmao im done😒😤😑 PS yes I'm more insecure now, my body is changing. pregnancy changes a lot mentally and physically in a short period of time. Shouldn't he be more understanding of that. Ugh I hate men!