Not really sure

So I've spotted a few times over the last day and a half. Nothing big just light pink I had a bright red spot late yesterday but it's not when I wipe or anything just when I insert tissue.. along with the mild cramps AF is due tomorrow so I'm assuming this is just the start to my period..I've taken two test both were negative so I don't think it's organdy which I wish it was... just tired of this cycle after cycle with not conceiving I knew it would be hard but I thought I had a slight chance naturally with the small opening in my right tube.. it's just nothing I can do I've exhausted all my options to conceive naturally and nothing made a go find me account nothing 12 ppl have viewed it and no one even donated anything my credit isn't good enough for me to get a loan for the <a href="">IVF</a> procedure... it just hurts seeing so many positives and faint positives on the app it discourages me like maybe I'll never get pregnant I try not to get stressed and depressed because I know that's not good bunt sometimes it's hard not to go down that road...