How would u go about asking your dr to be induced????

My 1st pregnancy i lost at almost 37 weeks, 2nd pregnancy i gave birth to my son at 36w6d.completely healthy, however my 1st was a girl, and this pregnancy(3rd) is a girl also. Im terrified something bad is going to happen again. Im 35w6d. Due dec 6th. Im already 2/3cm and 70% effaced, but i do not want to go passed 36 weeks really. The still birth was never given a reason as to why it happened... im just scared. How would u ask your dr about gettn induced b4 then???? This pregnancy ive already had problems... she WAS an iugr baby (abdominal area was in the 6% for about 10-12weeks.) Now its up in the 20 % so she finally grew.