Anyone have an addict in the family? How do u deal

I know personal...but how do you deal with it ? My sister is 19 years old....been doing stupid things like running away..sneaking boys over since she was's gotten so much worse these past few years and she does not listen to my parents at all... they've done everything kicked her out sent her to rehab and she has decided to run away to FL with god knows who..she keeps telling my mom she's going to come home and never does she just keeps bullshitting them and I can't take it anymore !! My finance and I have looked into things and the stuff we found out about her is absolutely disgusting ! I have cut her out of my life for good I have two children to worry about and my 4 year
Old knows way to much then she needs to :/ . We are both adopted at different ages and from different places and some people blame it on that but since she was 2 and she goes and tells people that our parents aren't her parents so what they say and want don't matter....the amount of lies she tells and believes idk how someone can possibly live like that ....

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