miss miscarriage

So I'm currently 11weeks pregnant so I thought u was, I went for a scan on my kidneys yesterday as I had some pain in the area and while u was ther I was told that something wasn't right with my baby. It hasn't grown from 7weeks and it looks like I have already lost my baby, so confused and scared I contacted the hospital to be told I am having a miss miscarriage basically my baby died at 7weeks and my body hasn't recognised it so my body has continued to have all pregnancy signs and symptoms, I am so heartbroken I never even knew this could happen I have not bleed or had any pains u knew nothing was wrong at all.. I have now been asked to go in for a scan tomorrow where I will be offered surgery or tablets to help the process along. I desperately want to believe they are wrong but deep down I know that they are probably right just didn't know it could hurt this much. I'm so sorry for anyone experiencing loss right now