Quieting the fear of miscarriage

First let me start off by saying this is my first pregnancy. Last week at 6 weeks 5 days I received an ultrasound and saw my little bean and it's flickering heart (doc didn't see  if we could hear it yet). I am now 7 weeks 3 days and as I am sure most of us here are doing I am having trouble managing my fear of miscarrying. I find myself constantly thinking of the worst and not letting myself enjoy such an amazing experience I am going through. I don't want to discount anyone's feelings on this app or say they aren't justified to grieve (I can't even to begin to imagine the pain of losing a child) but I feel as if miscarriage stories or if someone is answering a question it always has a response(s) about miscarriage are all I see on here which doesn't help at all. I understand we all want opinions from people going through the same things which is why I stay. What I am trying to say is how do you cast your fears aside and enjoy this experience? Is miscarriage really as common as the forums seem to portray? Again I am not trying to say women can't grieve and share their stories, we all pray for happy and healthy babes in the end and sometimes that is not our reality. I'm just trying to figure out a way to help manage this fear and anxiety.