Last minute dates before babies get here?

Anyone taking one last night to themselves with their honey? Me and my SO have been so busy working and getting things together we haven't had a date in 4 months. Not to dinner, not to lunch, nada. So since my csection is scheduled for Tuesday I'm making it a point that we spend the day together on Saturday just us. Not sure what we're going to do yet lol but I'm excited to just have some alone time. How about you guys?
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That is such an important thing to do! We did that before our first daughter was born and it was so special. The relationship is about to change a lot - in an enriching way- so definitely think it's great to celebrate the last moments as just a couple!


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Well, I'm due the 20th but no scheduled C Or anything, so no idea how much longer we have! But today is finally my last day of work and I'm hoping to get a date in here or there. We might go out to breakfast tomorrow, and then if she still isn't here by the 18th, I want to go see Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them :)


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It's our first wedding anniversary this Sunday then 5 days later I'm having a c section so I'm hoping we can have a date day/night :)


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We are going out Friday. Husband is off so we are taking my 6 year old to his moms and spending time together alone.


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I'm 37wk & we haven't had a day off work together in about a month. This Friday we're both off, I made him promise a date night/day for us.


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I just won tickets to a reggae fest that is on my due date!!! So I'm hoping she stays in till then and gets wooed out by some good tunes lol 


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We did the same. Wwnt to dinner the nite b4 my ceaser. A bonus about having a booked ceaser as you can plan ahead!