She's here ❤


Woke up at 4 AM with horrible pelvic pain, didn't realize for about a half hour that I was getting contractions! They started off right away at 5 minutes apart lasting close to a minute. Called my husband at work and told him he needed to come home then headed to the hospital (40 minute drive, total torture)

Got to 7 centimeters dilated before I decided I needed the epidural and it took almost an hour to finally get it in because I kept needing to get up and walk around for the pain. At 3:30 PM I was getting pressure that felt like I needed to poop so they decided we were going to try pushing at 4:00. At 4, I was able to get the top of her head out with 2 pushes so the nurse called my OBGYN and said I'm ready, he said he'd be here in about 15 minutes, at 4:24 PM, I pushed her out and had no tearing at all :) about 5 minutes later, my OBGYN walked in lol

It was pretty easy labour and I barely felt anything! 7 pounds 7 ounces, 21.5 inches long ❤