MIL Rants

Shawna • Married the love of my life on 5/14/16, TTC #1. Dog mom and lover of all animals. Ginger. Chiari Warrior! Blessed 💗
Man y'all really make me feel great full that I have an amazing.. well not just amazing but more importantly a NORMAL MIL 😂😂 I was just scrolling through Glow and kept seeing all of these MIL rants and I was like "wth, did I somehow end up on the In Law Rant group?!" 😂 Makes me want to text her right now and tell her how much I appreciate her not being crazy! Lol. She really is the sweetest woman I've ever met and she's never harassed me or been in our business because her MIL (my wonderful grandmother in law😒) was always putting her two sense in with her and her husband's relationship. I'm sad she lives across the country so I barely get to see her cause I love her to pieces! I am "lucky" enough to live right across the road from my grandmother in law though. She'd drive any one crazy!! I just try to keep my distance. Lol. I've wanted to make a few rants about her but I'll save it for when she pisses me off reeeal good one time 😉😂 But thank you all for making me appreciate my MIL, and good luck trying to stay sane out there ladies 👍🏼😊💗