39 weeks and feeling so much regret.

I'm posting anonymously because I feel so stupid and guilty for feeling this way. I'm just regretting everything. My husband has been so selfish lately. And his family is horrible. They are so controlling and they've never been kind to me. All I've done is try and please these people but I'm always wrong and I'm never doing good enough. They are expecting to have the baby all the time and have told me how they will "parent" him even though they aren't the parents. They have a nursery set up for him stocked with newborn clothes because they said they will pick him up a week or so after he's born to babysit.... what?? I could go on for days. I'm sick of them telling me how I need to labor and what I should be doing and I shouldn't be eating this and if my baby wants to be overweight then he should be able to and i should never tell him no or discipline him because I can't hurt his feelings and blah blah blah! Why would I permanently tie myself to this family? They're freaking psycho.

As far as my husband, he's just selfish. I wanted to have sex to try and induce labor. Sex is super painful right now, so it was literally just to induce labor. Which I explained. He said he's too tired. He's never said that before. And it wasn't for him, it was for me to try and get this baby out! He doesn't take care of the dogs, he maybe does the dishes every once in a while. We both work full time so it's not like I have more time than him, and I'm 39 weeks pregnant for crying out loud!

I'm just all of the sudden feeling like I'm stuck. Stuck in the same job, how can I finish school(1 year left) while working full time and taking care of a baby? I thought it'd work but with how things have been, it won't. I'm stuck with his family. I'm just stuck. I do love this baby but I'm so full of regret. Then full of guilt because I'm regretful. I haven't been emotional this whole pregnancy until now. I'm just at my breaking point.