need to vent Mother in laws suck.

Tawney • 2 healthy babies and 3 losses 🖤
So I'm losing my damn mind. My SO mother lives with us because, she doesn't fucking take care of herself. Shes 50 something has no job, nothing. She gets a check from the government once a month and that's all. Now my SO is always doing whatever she asks. She treats him like her husband. He goes to the store for her, cooks meals for her, lends her our money. Anything she asks. I've already talked to him about how weird it is that he takes care of her like that and she needs to be an adult, of course that was just a big fight. Now I'm laying in bed 16 weeks pregnant in pain and so I can't walk, so I can't make myself anything to eat or anything and he goes in the living room to hang out with his mom. Puts in a movie for her, makes her lunch, and just sits in there with her. Like, hello? I'm in here dying and starving and you haven't asked me once if I need anything. I just want her gone. I just want her gone. So damn over this.