UPDATE: Down Syndrome & Perfect #NothingDownAboutIt

Princess Sofia is now 2 months and is doing amazing! She started her physical theraphy and can now lift her head and turn it during tummy time. 
She has such a personality and absolutely loves to watch TV while she drinks her bottle. She is now sleeping at least 5 hours at night! She started to smile. Loves to cuddle with mom in the morning when she wakes up. 
I am way more comfortable with this whole process! (If you were to ask me this 2 months ago, I never thought I was going to adjust) She will have heart surgery in 1-2 months to fix her heart defect. Keep us in your prayers!! 
Sofia is absolutely amazing and moms going through this, I am enjoying every single moment and have realized that I have stopped seeing her as my baby with DS (completely normal during that grieving process) and have started seeing her as SOFIA. We are in love!! 😍
Thanks for all your beautiful comments on my other post!! ❤️️ God bless!!!