Pride, in-laws, and previous children

Leah Margaret • 3 children to adore, and adding one more! My fiancé Craig and I are expecting pink bows on 06/04! 🎀
I have a question and I don't want any "you don't need him in your life, etc" as answers. My fiancée (and myself as well) do not get along with my family. Specifically my brother who always acts as if he's gods gift to the world. Now him and my fiancée Craig got into an argument where my brother told me that he is no longer allowed at his apartment where my mother resides. Now I lost custody of my children last year due to a relapse with heroin and the only way to see them is to go to my moms (brothers) because she wa to cues my 1 year old daughter 3 days a week and my 8 year old on weekends. I already see my 5 year old son on weekends when Craig and I drive up to his town to get him and bring him back to our apartment. 
Now since that fight between my asshole brother and my fiancée I haven't gotten to see my daughter. My mother has brought my 8 year old son to see me on weekends using the car her and my brother share. 
Now to the point, if I haven't lost or confused anyone yet. Today while walking into Walmart I was on the phone with my mom who told my that Sage (my daughter) had actually walked her first steps without me being able to see them and her being completely technologically deficient can't seem to take photos or videos of her doing these things. It's been weeks now that I haven't seen my daughter and I miss her so much. After I got off the phone Craig told me I should stop telling g her how to use her phone, that she should be able to use it without your help or go to an Apple Store to get help. I told him I didn't mind helping her because I wanted to see pictures of my daughter. My mom also asked us if we wa ted to come over today. Now my fiancées pride is the problem. My brother is not at home, he is at work and has since the fight taken back his words of us not being allowed there. Outside of Walmart while we were speaking he said "is it that important that you'll deal with your family walking all over you" and I interrupted him and said is it that important that I'll do it to see my daughter, yes! Like I don't care about helping my mom learn the phone if it means I'll get pictures of my daughter. I said I hadn't seen my daughter in weeks and not because I don't want to. And his response is well just go live with them then. That made me upset. He tells me I have no pride because I'll do anything including dealing with my family I don't like to see her. And "kissing my exes ass" so I can see my kids. YES YES AND YES AGAIN. These are my children and I will deal with anything to see them. But your pride is keeping me from that. Who cares about my brother and mother, we both don't like them. Out of the times. But even though we don't like them we're not there to see them, we are there to see my other children. You told me you would never come between me seeing my kids but an argument with my brother has caused that, and instead of understanding you respond with "well then go live with them", while we are 11 weeks along expecting our own child. Now I know he has an anger issue just like I do, we are very much alike but I just don't know where to go with this. I understand where he's coming from, how he would rather my mother come to our place but that's hasn't been possible during the week and I just can't understand how or why he won't suck it up so I can see my daughter. It makes me depressed. How should I bring this up without it being an argument and without "siding" with anyone but my daughter. I need some advice and some delicate answers. AND I needed to vent to you guys so thank you so much.