Milk machine

While pregnant I was soo excited to breastfeed & once my baby was born I was extremely relieved when he latched so well immediately and has been a great little eater ever since! (9 days old) however, ever since my milk came in at day 5 he is hungry and ready to eat every 30 mins-an hour after he just finished. And he eats for a good amount of time too. I know he's getting enough because he's back to his birth weight already, has tons of wet & dirty diapers, burps, spits up, etc. But i literally am just CONSTANTLY breastfeeding. As I type this he's eating away! And boy do i get BORED!! I've been watching Netflix & scrolling through social media on my phone but it gets old. I also can't stand the laundry and dishes that are piling up and would love to get a shower in! I've read that this constant feeding should slow down at around 2 months but how do I survive it for now!?