Bottle help!!

Any tips for getting LO to take a bottle?! I'm going back to work and he is still very resistant to taking a bottle. He took them early on (Tommee Tippee) but now won't! 😩 I don't want the poor little guy to be miserable all day while I'm away... And it would be nice to be able to have a drink every once in a while ;)
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The only I can tell you is persistence! My son didn't take the bottle for 6 months! Luckily I was able to stay home but I offered him it at least once a day, tried many different bottles, tried when he was hungry, tried in the middle of breast feeding, finally what did it was I found a nipple he liked and used apple juice. I thought maybe if was a new sweet flavor he would take it and he did. I had to mix Apple juice with milk in every bottle otherwise he wouldn't take it. After about 6 weeks of taking the bottle with Apple juice and milk he finally would take it with straight milk! Good luck!


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My son still doesn't care for the bottle but he does take one once in awhile. The only bottle we had success with was the MAM one.. good luck becus it is so tough to get them on a bottle 


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My daughter only took MAM bottles. She screamed like hell when given a bottle and I was scared to return to work when she wax 2 months old. She ended up taking them eventually my first day back. Your LO might eat less at first but then will adjust and learn. 


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My little girl doesn't want to take the bottle from me, she takes it from my hubby just fine though. Have you tried to see if she'll feed from someone else?