He was supposed to be an October baby but arrived at 42 weeks!

Our beautiful baby boy was born November 10th. Two weeks after my due date. Remember, two weeks before or after is within the normal range. A baby is NOT technically overdue until the end of the 42nd week. He arrived 42 weeks exactly. No induction or any interventions. Labored at home for 6 hours, then went to the birthing center. My waters had already broke and were clear. However, soon after I arrived he pooped and I saw mecronium when I went to use the bathroom.
My midwives said I would have to go to the hospital so they could monitor him better. I was disappointed but wanted to do what was safe. However, they took me to a birthing center at the hospital. There was no mention of pitocin (to speed up labor) or a c-section to just get him out. His heart rate was good. I was looked after by midwives and even given a doula. There was even a small tub for me to labor in and I could move around freely.  Altough I did have monitors strapped to me. They were waterproof and had very long cords. It was a small price to pay considering.
After 12 hours of active labor. I gave birth kneeling on the floor. He finally made his grand entrance and was perfect. He wasn't a huge baby to my surprise. Just under 7 lbs. So that extra time was needed. 
All babies cook differently! I felt like l was going to be pregnant forever but they always come when they're ready and there could be a good reason for it. Plus due dates are not usually accurate. 
Yes there are risks (mecronium being one), but pregnancy is always a vulnerable time. You never know exactly how it is going to go. For me the risks associated with unnecessary interventions were more concerning. I was thankful that I was able to give birth naturally.  Mothers should follow their instincts, make informed choices and do what they believe is best, without judgement either way.
Meet baby Ari.