Advice needed 😢

I'm about 8 months pregnant and I've felt alone and neglected by my SO for most of my pregnancy. I've tried talking to him about it. He always apologizes, then he'll do something to make up for what he does wrong but after he realizes I'm not upset anymore, he goes back to his ways. There's no consistency and it's so frustrating.
I can't even voice my opinions or talk about how I feel without him getting angry, defensive and cutting me off after every sentence. It almost always turns into an argument because I get upset that he doesn't allow me to speak and he basically denies everything or try to place the blame on me because he doesn't like to admit that he's wrong. Then the next day he will call, apologize, tell me he doesn't want to lose his family, plan a date (which we never end up going on) then go back to his bad habits once I'm no longer upset. 
Sometimes all I want is for him to hold me or rub my back when I say I'm in pain. Spend some time with me, rub my belly, talk to his child.... SOMETHING! I'm starting to detach from him emotionally and I've even considered ending our relationship several times. I brought it up and he got so upset with me. He says he loves me but his actions don't really show me that he does. 
I just feel so alone and I crave that love and affection so badly. Clearly, the communication between us is shitty. I don't know what to do...Â