No naps

Kaity • Wife • Momma • GSD Wrangler
I cannot get this baby down for more than one nap a day. Sometimes she'll take little 20-30 minute catnaps but usually she's just up and crying... I have tried Mylicon, Infacol, Gripe Water, swings, rockers, bouncers, vibrating, pacifiers (literally every kind out there), swaddled, not swaddled, downstairs with me, upstairs in her bed in the dark, with white noise, without white noise, she hates being worn in a carrier (i have tried 3), driving around in the car, taking a walk in a stroller and in a carrier. We play to try and tire her out, we use her play gym, go look in the mirror (her favorite), do Tummy time with her piano... I am just at a loss. I know she needs more than one 2 hour nap a day. She does sleep well at night. Going anywhere from 5-7 hours, eat, then another 3 or so. But she's up at 7 and goes to bed at 8. Is there any other tricks I haven't tried?  Because by 5 o'clock I'm one hair away from insane.