I can't breathe...prayers please

Emily • Truck drivers Wife and Charge Nurse,mother to three amazing kids! Loving every second of this crazy awful beautiful life 💕
Today I was expecting to find out what we were expecting an instead have found out our baby has trisomy 13 or Patau syndrome where her (found out she's a little girl) organs develop outside her body and that she won't live long past birth,an one other genetic disorder (I can't recall what the doctor said bc I lost focus) it hurts to breathe. My poor fiancé is crushed. He is completely broken. We have two ultrasounds an then an amnio to confirm within the next three weeks. We must make a decision based on these tests whether to carry her to term or to terminate the pregnancy. I just don't want her to suffer. I don't want her in pain. I have no words I feel so lost. Bless all you mommies AN I hope you have wonderful happy healthy babies