Nervous about tomorrow...

Rachel • Back here trying for #3! Arrow Leigh 💘(3yrs old) & Baker Mathew 🏈 (2 yrs old).

I'm 37 weeks &I have my weekly OB appointment tomorrow. Baby girl is already 8lbs, as of last week, and there's talk of her coming as early as this week(by induction). Doctor says she may strip my membranes tomorrow & she warned that it is painful. I can only imagine because I had my cervix checked for the first time last week (1cm) and the amount of pressure/discomfort I experienced had me grabbing for the nurses hand and grunting. 😖

I know it seems silly, I mean, I'm about to give birth, but I'm scared of the pain of getting my membranes stripped.

Have any of you had this done? What was the outcome?