I just feel the need

Brittney • Nov3.16 with a bb girl👅
To inform people on a couple things. Early October I posted that I was getting induced Oct 27th og dd was Nov 3rd. People were real quick to judge but it was medically necessary but even if it wasn't it's not your baby... but alot of women made me so scared to even go through with it. with posts saying how terrible the pain was and how bad the outcome could be and so on but I wanna say that it was not at all what these women were saying... Yeah the contractions hurt but I got an epidural..then when the baby was ready to come she came out perfectly.. they said that being induced makes the labor part so much longer... even though mine was 36hours.. I think that we should try to really be more positive because you guys had a huge impact on me to the point where I couldn't enjoy my labor "journey" because all I could think about was your words.. but in the end it worked out so well. Really everyone's body's are different and take things differently. The point to this post is to maybe help some other women that might be getting induced and seen the scary stories about induction but just know it's not as scary as they make it.