
Has anyone ever had endometriosis? (For whomever doesn't know, it's where the tissue that is found on the inside of the uterus is growing on the outside and sometimes in different parts of the body which in turn causes extreme pain, scar tissue, can cause organs to form together, and in severe cases lead to infertility.) How bad, and what did they do to stop it? Or is it even something that can be stopped? I've done as much research as I can on it but haven't found anything to help. My mother and grandmother both had it so bad that they had to have full hysterectomies, but it was after they had all the kids they wanted. But now, mine is affecting me so badly and I'm only 21. I know any age can be diagnosed with it but I'm terrified that since mine is worse and earlier than theirs were then I might not be able to have children. The pain is so horrible that when I'm at work and it starts, regardless of what I'm doing, it brings me to the ground in tears. It just woke me up about an hour ago (6am) and I've been immobile since. I've been taking Tylenol and Ibuprofen but it's not helping anymore. I've already been the the GYN and they're going to schedule me for a laparoscopic surgery to go in and see how bad it is and even scrape the tissue if they need to and put Mirena in (and if anyone can give me some insight on that, it would be awesome, I haven't been on any birth control in about a year and a half) but that's really all they said so far. I would just love some peace of mind to anyone that can relate 😣 please and thank you so much in advance.