I had been in and out of the hospital a few times since last Wednesday

I had been in and out of the hospital a few times since last Wednesday. Being 2cm and 90% effaced. I went in for my weekly appointment on Monday and was 5cm and got my membranes stripped. Doctor told me to go home, eat supper, and make sure everything was in the car. I did so. Contractions started but weren't perfectly 6-7 minutes apart yet. I love 45minutes away from my delivering hospital. So we went ahead and left. Got to the hospital around 7pm Monday night. Was still the same 5cm when arrived with irregular contractions. Was kept over night, but made to walk the halls, bounce on the birthing ball, and use the peanut ball. I stayed at 5cm for over 24hours. Around 4pm Tuesday I was finally 6cm so my doctor broke my water. They thought they saw meconium in my water, but not thick. So just kept an observation on anything I leaked! About 30 minutes after breaking my water I was getting the epidural! (Life saver for contractions but actual pushing was still felt.. really felt!) By 6pm I was 7cm, by 8pm I was 8cm. They put me back on the peanut ball and within 15 minutes I felt like I had to poop. My husband got the midwife who checked me and said I was 9 3/4 cm. She was calling the doctor and then going to let me start pushing. I started pushing by 8:40-8:45pm. I pushed for 30 minutes and had a beautiful baby boy at 9:12pm Tuesday night November 15, 2016! Our first due date was the 16th, and official due date was the 18th. So glad he came a few days early! Weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces, 20 inches long! He is my first born, I only have 1 stitch and 1 small laceration that didn't need repairing! Welcome Martin Dale to the world!